Hiring Insurance Brokers Campaign

This campaign involved creating social media and blog post content, as well as revamping key web pages to announce that we are hiring brokers.

Our primary objective was to attract insurance brokers in Ontario and increase the number of insurance broker leads and hires.

We achieved remarkable growth, with a 700% boost in leads and a significant increase in hires.

Differentiating PrimeService

I differentiated PrimeService from other brokerages by showcasing its active investment in its brokers' success.

I communicated that PrimeService offers comprehensive resources such as ongoing training and one-on-one mentorship, empowering its brokers to grow their businesses effectively.

Embracing Remote Work and Diversity

During the pandemic, when many people were seeking remote work opportunities, we leveraged PrimeService's flexibility to work from anywhere.

Additionally, I incorporated diverse stock photos to convey PrimeService's commitment to inclusivity and diversity.

Enhancing Broker Engagement

In an effort to attract brokers to PrimeService's social media, we initiated the weekly 'Broker Pro Tip' series primarily on LinkedIn. 

Our main objective was to deliver value to brokers, our target audience, and to connect and engage with them.

Showcasing our brokers' successes

We're all about showcasing the triumphs of our brokers at PrimeService. It's about putting their success front and center. So, I reached out to our seasoned top performers, gathering their stories of success over the years. We wanted our audience to understand how PrimeService has fueled its brokers' accomplishments and continue to support their growth.

Crafting Engaging Content To Inspire Brokers to Join PrimeService

We wanted to encourage aspiring brokers, as well as agents, to pursue a career as an insurance broker at PrimeService.

So I wrote a blog post and included these information:

Optimizing the First Impression

Aside from social media, a website could also be the first thing your audience sees, which means it contributes to first impressions.

So, I revamped the home page to announce that PrimeService is hiring brokers.

And lastly, we performed an overhaul of the Careers page to include the following:

The result?

We achieved remarkable growth, with a 700% boost in leads and a significant increase in hires. This directly translated into a considerable improvement in PrimeService's annual bottom line.

"I hired Katia for her ability to develop creative marketing strategies and her determination to grow a business. Her blog posts and social media content attracted top talent and customer leads. She was wonderful to work with and I would recommend her to anyone looking for a dedicated, passionate digital marketer."

Sam Jazayeri

Director of Operations, PrimeService Insurance